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Download Zello!! 

Zello is what makes GMRS what it is today so don't delay!

A GMRS License Is Required!

Listen Live

Click on speaker to UN-MUTE

We are Linked With Zello Through The

West Valley Network Channel 

Our Repeater Covers The Salt Lake Valley & Tooele Valley



To join the channel.

Please use the contact form below on this website to

send me a message that you would like to join the group.

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

Why Do You Need A GMRS License For This Zello Channel

To obtain a GMRS license, one must file an application with the FCC and pay a $70 fee. No exam is required, and the license is valid for 10 years (must be 18 years old)

Click Here to apply on line


Our Network

Ability to add new radio locales to the system, by just adding one Gateway!

With this type of system, you can add a whole new area to the infrastructure by just adding another gateway station at the desired location, bringing new coverage to radio users and internet users across the entire system!


Legal to set up on GMRS and most European equivalent services


Believe it or not, under the current FCC rules linking GMRS radio sites is allowed! 

As long as the public telephone network is not used. I think this mostly refers to not auto patching repeaters to  be able to make phone calls over the radio. So yeah, radio over IP is allowed on GMRS in the States.


The network is now working.

To use the network you can download Zello on your cell phone, ipad, iphone or PC with windows xp to windows 8. It will Not work with windows 10 it makes it crash.


Using Your Phone On Zello

Use your phone when your out of range of the repeater, if you don't have a radio or out of state you can still use your phone to communicate.When singing up for Zello use your call sign and first name.This way when you sign into the network we will know who is on the channel. A GMRS license is required to talk on our network. 

1. Download Zello

2. Find where you add a channel.

3. Type in West Valley Network just as you see it here. Add it to your channel list and log in. Use the form on this website to contact me to ask for access to the channel. It should be working with a round circle and a mic in the middle. Press the mic to talk. Talk to you soon. 

The Gateway is on the West Valley Network. This is the network for the Salt Lake Valley and Tooele Valley also Great Falls, Montana.

When you add the channel on zello ( West Valley Network ). Once you come on the channel you will have to be  trusted in. You will be able to talk to Moderators only until you are trusted in.

WARNING: Windows 10


Disclaimer: There is a known issue with the : "PC client" and Windows 10!!! There is a software incompatibility, if you download Zello and do a Virus check or uninstall the program, Windows thinks it is a malware (it is absolutely not) Windows will crash and go to blue screen of death! I will not be held responsible if your system crashes. If you run Win 10 on your comp, then put it on your phone or tablet. It is better there anyway. You have been warned!

On 7, XP and 8 you have nothing to worry about. Thank you for your attention.


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